Having dinner with Lo the other night helped me
realize how much I value my friendship's & how much I appreciate hers. I haven't known Lo for very long,
(close to a year) but she is an amazing person with a great heart and loving personality.
I believe in quality over quantity in friendships, I have plenty of people I consider friends; but very few that I know that really 'get me'.
I've been struggling lately with some personal issues & Lo is one of the handful of people I feel I can come to and spill my heart out and not feel judged.
Since we both quit the job where we met a while ago, we don't get to each other as often anymore. I believe that it is crucial to take the time to make people feel that you value & trust them & make time to hangout.
I always have a good time with her no matter what we're doing.. Wether it be just sitting at home & drinking wine, going out to party or just dinner with friends .

"Compared to friendship, gold is dirt"